Computer trivia: What publisher’s Perl programming reference books, thanks to their cover illustration, are better known as The Pink Camel” and “The Llama”?
Answer: O’Reilly’s.
Computer trivia: What publisher’s Perl programming reference books, thanks to their cover illustration, are better known as The Pink Camel” and “The Llama”?
Answer: O’Reilly’s.
Computer trivia: What company put the “MS” in MSNBC?
Answer: Microsoft.
Computer trivia: What publisher’s Perl programming reference books, thanks to their cover illustration, are better known as The Pink Camel” and “The Llama”?
Answer: O’Reilly’s.
Computer trivia: What self-appointed vigilante ruminant kept newsgroups safe from spam, before moving on to develop NoCeM anti-spam technology?
Answer: Cancelmoose.
Computer trivia: What publisher’s Perl programming reference books, thanks to their cover illustration, are better known as The Pink Camel” and “The Llama”?
Answer: O’Reilly’s.