Computer trivia: What company incessantly hyped dot-com investing with the tagline: “Believe in yourself”?
Answer: Ameritrade.
Tag: .NET
Webserver hoạt động như thế nào?
Computer trivia: What word-search engine introduced the canine mascot Arfie to fetch results?
In hình khổ lớn bằng máy in nhỏ
Computer trivia: What U.S. presidential candidate explained to voters: “The Internet is a great way to get on the net”?
Answer: Bob Dole.
Chat nhiều nick với Yahoo Messenger 8.0
Computer trivia: What programming language brewed by Sun Microsystems did U.S. antitrust lawyers claim Microsoft used its monopoly to “crush”?
Answer: Java.
Computer trivia: What popular computer operating system was invented by Finnish college student Linus Torvalds?
Answer: Linux.
Computer trivia: What computer hardware outfit ditched retail for mail-order to become the top direct-sale vendor?
Answer: Dell.
Computer trivia: What Chairman of Apple coined the term PDA?
Answer: John Scullley.
Cách cài đặt Web Server trên PC
Computer trivia: What Apple media file format became the basis for MPGE-4 files?
Answer: QuickTime.