Thanh toán - Giao dịch

Các phương pháp thanh toán trực tuyến – Phần III

Computer trivia: What publisher’s Perl programming reference books, thanks to their cover illustration, are better known as The Pink Camel” and “The Llama”?
Answer: O’Reilly’s.

Thanh toán - Giao dịch

Các phương pháp thanh toán trực tuyến – Phần II

Computer trivia: What programming language brewed by Sun Microsystems did U.S. antitrust lawyers claim Microsoft used its monopoly to “crush”?
Answer: Java.

Thanh toán - Giao dịch

Các phương pháp thanh toán trực tuyến – Phần I

Computer trivia: What pressure-sensitive handheld organizer was developed under the code name “”Touchdown””?
Answer: The Palm Pilot.

Thương mại điện tử

Chứng chỉ số: chứng minh thư trong TMĐT

Computer trivia: What popular computer operating system was invented by Finnish college student Linus Torvalds?
Answer: Linux.

Phần mềm

Chèn công thức toán học vào văn bản

Computer trivia: What Pixar release was the first feature film to be entirely computer-animated?
Answer: Toy Story.

Phần cứng

Thế nào là Data Pipeline và SSE2?

Computer trivia: What personal computer company gobbled up Digital Equipment Corporation, to form the second-largest computer company in the world?
Answer: Compaq.

Phần cứng

Cơ bản về CPU 64-bit

Computer trivia: What Outlook macro virus, with a dainty female name, was the first to infect a million computers?
Answer: Melissa.

Phần cứng

Điều gì ảnh hưởng đến tốc độ của CPU?

Computer trivia: What organization did Lotus founder Mitch Kapor help launch in 1990 to defend free speech in the brave new world of cyberspace
Answer: The Electronic Freedom Foundation.

Phần cứng

Lịch sử phát triển của CPU

Computer trivia: What online service got slapped with a lawsuit by volunteer “”Community Leaders”” who said they were really employees and deserved back wages?
Answer: America Online.

Phần cứng

CPU hoạt động như thế nào?

Computer trivia: What online company grew from Pierre Omiyar’s efforts to find a broader market for his wife’s collection of Pez dispensers?
Answer: eBay.