Computer trivia: What company incessantly hyped dot-com investing with the tagline: “Believe in yourself”?
Answer: Ameritrade.
Category: Networking
Computer trivia: What senior Democrat’s interest in getting a few computers for the office resulted in his becoming the first U.S. senator with an Internet home page?
Answer: Ted Kennedy’s.
Computer trivia: What online company grew from Pierre Omiyar’s efforts to find a broader market for his wife’s collection of Pez dispensers?
Answer: eBay.
Truy cập từ xa qua Internet
Computer trivia: What giant Internet outfit scooped up Netscape in a bid to corner the browser market?
Answer: America Online.
OSI hoạt động như thế nào?
Computer trivia: What was the first fast-food restaurant to offer patrons 20 free minutes of Internet time?
Answer: Burger King.
Computer trivia: What computer hardware outfit ditched retail for mail-order to become the top direct-sale vendor?
Answer: Dell.
Tìm hiểu mạng riêng ảo VPN (Phần 7)
Computer trivia: What company incessantly hyped dot-com investing with the tagline: “Believe in yourself”?
Answer: Ameritrade.
Tìm hiểu mạng riêng ảo VPN (Phần 6)
Computer trivia: What company hyped its Jaguar as the first 64-bit gaming system, because it had two 32-bit processors running in parallel?
Answer: Atari.
Tìm hiểu mạng riêng ảo VPN (Phần 5)
Computer trivia: What company distributed free Reader software to encourage the use of its flagship Acrobat desktop publishing system?
Answer: Adobe.
Tìm hiểu mạng riêng ảo VPN (Phần 4)
Computer trivia: What company distributed free Reader software to encourage the use of its flagship Acrobat desktop publishing system?
Answer: Adobe.