Computer trivia: What U.S. agency was investigating computer hackers when its website was trashed by a group linked to the “Swedish Hackers Association”
Answer: The Central Intelligence Agency.
Category: Marketing
Computer trivia: What U.S. agency was investigating computer hackers when its website was trashed by a group linked to the “”Swedish Hackers Association””?
Answer: The Central Intelligence Agency.
Nguyên tắc 80-20 trong TMĐT
Computer trivia: What tech company did founder Marc Ewing name for his granddad’s old Cornell Lacrosse cap?
Answer: Red Hat.
Computer trivia: What popular computer operating system was invented by Finnish college student Linus Torvalds?
Answer: Linux.
20 mật pháp quảng bá trang web của bạn
Computer trivia: What Pixar release was the first feature film to be entirely computer-animated?
Answer: Toy Story.
hững vấn đề cơ bản về Email Marketing
Computer trivia: What word-search engine introduced the canine mascot Arfie to fetch results?
Sáng tạo Slogan hiệu quả – Bài Học
Computer trivia: What Windows virus damaged 500,000 hard drives on the 13th anniversary of Russia’s deadliest nuclear disaster?
Answer: Chernobyl.
Computer trivia: What website did the founder of the Echo Bay Technology Group register, when he found that was already taken?
Computer trivia: What web programming language was invented by Sun’s “Green Team”?
Answer: Java.
Computer trivia: What was the first Windows edition named for a year instead of a version number?
Answer: Windows 95.