Computer trivia: What did IBM call its “pencil eraser” pointing device protruding from the center of portable keyboards?
Answer: TrackPoint.
Author: adminvneh
Học Tiếng Anh – Tape 3-A
Computer trivia: What did critics dub the glitchy USB “plug and play” feature of Windows 98?
Answer: “Plug and pray”.
Học Tiếng Anh – Tape 2-B
Computer trivia: What computer-generated 3-D image boogied its way onto TV’s Ally McBeal in 1998?
Answer: The Dancing Baby.
Học Tiếng Anh – Tape 2-A
Computer trivia: What computer outfit’s ad 1984, run only once during Super Bowl XVIII, did TV Guide declare to be the best commercial of all time, in 1999?
Answer: Apple’s.
Học Tiếng Anh – Tape 1-B
Computer trivia: What computer operating system did 2001’s Arthur Clarke jest would be the first thing HAL removed from his hard drive, in 1997?
Answer: Windows 95
Học Tiếng Anh – Tape 1-A
Computer trivia: What computer manufacturer dropped the PS/1 line to create an Aptiva brand for home user?
Answer: IBM.
Khi dữ liệu quý gặp rủi ro
Computer trivia: What computer hardware outfit ditched retail for mail-order to become the top direct-sale vendor?
Answer: Dell.
Sao lưu nhạc cho iPod
Computer trivia: What computer company crated a removable disk drive that could read and write 3.5″ floppies as well as its won 120-megabyte SuperDisks?
Answer: Compaq.
Vẽ đồ thị toán học với Graph Plotter
Computer trivia: What computer chip manufacturer slapped Intel with an antitrust suit, claming the company had swiped its technology to design the Pentium Pro?
Answer: Digital Equipment Corporation.
Tạo ổ đĩa ảo với Extra Drive Creator
Computer trivia: What computer accessory did Apple try splitting in two in 1993, in an attempt to reduce injuries?
Answer: The Keyboard.